We’re in the midst of spiritual warfare, and it’s been building for quite some time. It has shown itself through hatred, bigotry, war, greed, deception, and compicity.
It’s important for us all to embrace Light right now. Let’s all be warm with each other, be respectful, compassionate, and loving. Be mindful of what you consume–television, podcasts, written content, and the “news.” How do you feel while you’re consuming it? Are you swallowing fear or hatred? If so, you’re drinking poison. It’s well past time to detox from all of that, because it’s deadly, and it’s brought us to this very moment. What’s going on is not representative of who we REALLY ARE.
Detox your environment: your thoughts, your words, your food, your sleep, your media consumption. Start looking for the Light, because it’s all around you. It IS you.
Plug into your intuition. Check in with your gut. Meditate.
Spiritual exercise: Know that you are divinely protected by pure, benevolent white Light. Imagine yourself and all of those you love standing together, all enveloped in this Light. You are joined by your neighbors and friends, your coworkers. Soon, you look around and realize that you are shoulder to shoulder with every sentient being inhabiting this earth. You are all loving, benevolent beings–humans and animals, trees, grasses, mountains, oceans. You are living, breathing, and exerting pure white benevolent light. Feel it. Feel the light. Now, send it out to the world and feel it permeate every atom, every molecule, of every earthly inhabitant. You are a spiritual warrior, and your Light is your power. Use it.
